Someone told me recently that they noticed I was "really good at internet relationships". What exactly should I take from that?
Was that a back handed compliment?
I do admit that had it not been for the internet, it would have been harder to find BT. I do admit to starting my sentences with "well, there is this chat room" more than once or twice, when trying to explain my friendship with someone.
I do admit to sending email to people I haven't ever actually physically met.
I do admit that I will be sitting in the airport on Monday looking for someone I have only seen in pictures.
Does that make me crazy? Really good at internet relationships? Who knows.
Does that make me crappy at real life relationships?
Is it a one or the other type of deal?
Can you have/do both?
I would like to think so.
So, could we turn that around and say that I am pretty good at relationships, especially of the internet variety?