Saturday, September 06, 2008

Quotes from a new school year....

Well, we have had 9 days of school so far and all is well.  The new batch of first graders are so cute!  

Here are some recent quotes that made me laugh...

Ean is my new best friend.  He is so serious all of the time.  Due to his shaggy Beatles hair cut, his eyes are hard to see.  He looks like a grown up in a little body.  He speaks in a monotone voice and rarely shows expression in his face.  
So when he was asked to tell me about his favorite food, he told me fish.  He loves fish.  Then I asked him to draw a picture of himself eating fish. 

He drew flowers, plants, grass, trees.  (Ok, so you catch fish?) Then he drew a little stick figure body with some hair standing by a tree.  (you have picnics eating fish?  Is that allowed in the picnic rule book?) And on his little stick figure arm, he attaches a box.  One white box.  I am quite confused at this point and I say, "so, where is the fish that you love to eat?  He points to the white unlabeled box.  "There," he says.  "My fish is there."  His teacher tries to help by asking if he goes fishing.  "NO" he says with a certain look.  "Oh," his teacher says, "your fish doesn't look like this?" she asks, drawing a pond and a quick little circly thing that looks like a cartoon fish.  
"No. My fish never looks like that" he says as serious as his little 6 year old face can be.  "My fish comes in a box and it is delicious!"

Yesterday, he came to school in tears clutching his stomach in pain.
He demanded he see the nurse.  
In order to assess whether a pass to the nurse was needed, his teacher and I did some investigation...

Teacher: Do you need to go to the bathroom?
E: No.
T: Do you need to get a drink?
E: NO.
T: Did  you eat breakfast this morning?  (this is the cause of stomach pain most of the time at our school in the mornings) 
E: Yes.
T: Here at school or at home? (Sometimes breakfast at school could cause WAY more than a stomachache. ) 
E: At home.
T: What did you eat for breakfast?
E: (the most exhausted sounding and with the most expression he could muster... which wasn't much but enough to notice)   Stuff!  That stuff!  You know...the stuff on a plate!!! 

Of course.  The stuff on the plate.  How could I have been so stupid?

Oh Ean.  You are my new friend.  I can't wait in the next 170 days to hang out with you and gain more wisdom and knowledge.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Things I love...

In the middle of all of the drama and stress... I could spend my blog time venting about life.  I could vent about work and about manipulative people, but no.
I choose to write about things I love...
Not in any particular order...

Sonic Ice
BT and his wit.
BT and his kindness
BT and his face
singing loudly in the car to musicals
Avenue Q
My parents
My laptop named Hobbes
That Saba got an iphone for her birthday
The way George and I make mean faces at each other in the hall
Thai food yummmmmm
drag shows
not going to Graduate School ANY MORE!
Watching snails.
playing with Owen and Miles
Shopping with Ginger
Debating theology with Sharon
Shaking things up.
Speaking my mind
Loving other people with my whole heart.
first graders
going to the movies on Sunday afternoons
the way my cat snuggles with me every night
corn on the cob
street meat
craft shows
my life...

What do you love?