Saturday, March 13, 2004

The Monument to Slactitude

Busy is one thing but this is ridiculous! All of us are busy. We all have things in the world that keep us from doing what we are supposed to do. We all have priorities and we all have things that we just don’t want to do. Ours, is the laundry… well, and vacuuming, but that is a totally different story.

You see, every week we have a routine. The dirty clothes start piling up and the stench is unbearable, and we start the laundry process. It is pretty simple really, divide and conquer we say. All the whites, all the colors, all the sweaters, all the “unmentionables” all divided into their separate but equal groups and then we do loads and loads of laundry. For two of us, we wear a TON of clothes… or so it seems.
So then, we quickly and stupidly fling the clean clothes on top of the bed in the extra bedroom to be dealt with later. Out of sight, out of mind, I say. Normally, we spend our Sunday nights watching Law and Order and folding and hanging the clothes. (Admit it… you can always find some sort Law and Order show on cable… if you can’t, you just aren’t looking hard enough… but I digress). So, we usually work together to get that chore done.
Some days, we will sneak in and fold and hang the clothes for each other. This is our little way to show each other we love each other. Then the other one walks in pretending to be mad that it all got done. It is a silly little game, but we like it.

Anyway, this sort of folding activity usually happens every week, and our universe is back to normal. For some reason though, we haven’t folded clothes for a long, long, long time. So now, every morning we go dumpster diving through “the monument to slactitude” as we pray to the laundry gods, hold our breath, and dive in, looking for the matching sock, or that just right underwear. It is no shock now days to lose the cat for two days and realize that she had created a nest inside the monument to slactitude. Tuesday morning, I went in search of pants, and saw a pair of legs sticking out of the monument. Instead of striped socks and ruby red shoes, I saw bare feet and some very hairy legs and the faint voice of B mumbling to himself about our high degree of slactitude. Obviously, we are not proud of the slackers we are, but at times, we find the monument so humorous, we can’t stand to actually demolish it. Today is the day though. Today is the day that the monument falls. And the universe will once again be back to normal.
Or, maybe I will wait a little longer... There is a good Law and Order marathon on A&E!!