Friday, August 26, 2005

Birthdays and the Zoom Song...

When I was little, my parents bought me one of those super cool floppy 45 records, that played the coolest song I know.
It was MY song. It had MY name in it and it was about some space captain named Zoom who was flying through space just to wish me a happy happy birthday.
I think I played it like a million times. Especially on my birthday of course!
Once I got to high school, I was too cool for such childish things and that floppy record went away.
Then college came and my friend Julie had that same record. This time, Zoom was talking to her... it had her name in it.
Once I got over the initial shock of not hearing MY name...(what??? Zoom sings to everyone???) I grew to like that silly song again. Now, whenever someone in my family has a birthday, we call each other up and sing the zoom song to them!
Unfortunately, I am way too lazy to actually buy the actual CD, so I don't know all of the words...only the ones posted in the little snippet on the internet. So, thankfully it is usually pretty short when sung.
I got to realizing last night that lots of significant people's birthdays are coming up or had just recently passed. Since they might find me calling them in the middle of the night singing the Zoom song a bit odd... I think I will do this instead...
Here is some info about people I know and love, who's birthdays are coming up or have just passed, and why you would like them too...

Consider it a cooler version of the zoom song...

Meet My DAD...
Maynard...yep, that's his name... that's what I call him anyway. NO one else calls him that but me.
His birthday was in June and I didn't get to see him on his birthday. He has the unfortunate luck of having his birthday before or on father's day every year. But, I guess that means more gifts for him.
My dad is the oldest of three kids, so that comes with lots of responsibilities. He has a great way of calming the waters when things are tense or crazy with his brother and sister. He also has the job of taking care of my grandfather, which is a full time job sometimes. He is so kind and sweet with my grandfather. You should see him! As much as my grandfather drives us all crazy, my dad is so patient and kind and willing to help him.
My dad is an incredibly smart guy. Although it was never diagnosed, I swear my dad has ADD and Dyslexia. He thought he was dumb in school because he had such a hard time reading. That didn't keep him from doing what he loved though. He became a teacher, and a principal and eventually retired as the Director of Fine Arts for the school district. Not too shabby for a guy with some reading problems. He is one reason I do what I do now... teach struggling readers. My dad didn't have it easy in school. He didn't have someone to focus him and help him when he struggled.
My dad is a great speaker. He loves to tell stories. You should see his face light up when he starts to tell stories. Some stories are not necessarily even close to the truth, which I guess helps since he is a fisherman and a golfer. :)
I can remember fondly walking down the dirt road with my dad, hand in hand. His big hand engulfing my little one. I remember looking at those two hands and knowing that he would always take care of me. Always.
My dad is a pretty great guy. He has a heart of gold and he means well. He would do anything for anyone and I love him a lot!!

There's your zoom song dad!!!


I almost forgot Ginger's birthday since it was the beginning of August and I got involved in getting myself ready to go back to work! I meant to call her on her birthday too and force the Zoom song on her, but I don't know what happened. I suck.
So hope this helps...
Ginger and I met in college. We weren't really friends though until senior year when she moved in across the hall from me in the dorm. We hit it off and became pretty good friends, but not what I would consider close. She was part of the Circle of Friends though, so we were at things together. I fondly remember spring break of our senior year when we decided to rebel and not go home. We stayed with the boys instead and hung out at their apartment. I can remember being shocked when she washed her bra and hung it up in the boy's bathroom for all to see. I don't know why that really shocked me so much at the time. What a prude I was back then!
Ginger and I have become really close friends within the past ummm... 4 years now? She moved to Texas and I fell in love with her little red headed son. He is my bestest friend on the planet. If they didn't live 2 hours away, I would see that little Miles man every weekend! I love him so much!
Ginger is a fantastic writer. She is the kind of writer I want to be like when I grow up. She can take words and use them to make something that was ugly into something totally beautiful. She has a gift for that. A knack! She is my fashion guide and help. "Ging, I am going to some semi formal thing... what the hell does semi formal mean these days??? I am a teacher! I wear khakis on a regular basis!"
Ging calms me down and talks me through my fashion issues. She is also my positive influence. She is always looking on the bright side of things, when I want to just scream and yell and throw a temper tantrum, she is always there with a positive comment.
She and I have exchanged official BFF necklaces... the one with the half of the heart. Not really, but I know that if I ever needed her, she would be there... and I hope she would feel/say the same thing about me!!!

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