Happy B-day NewAnglican...
I have been thinking about it and I can't quite remember when I officially met JRD. I know I didn't know him our freshman year of college. I was hanging in some strange circles freshman year. I do know that I got to know JRD when I started dating his roommate our sophomore year. He seemed like a nice guy and I know he had a crush on my roommate, so it was all good.
We became better friends each year after. He and the rest of the boys hung out with me only because I was A's girlfriend. I was always around and they put up with me.
Our senior year was full of chaos, breakups, and my gaining custody of the boys. We officially became the Circle of Friends and they officially became "my" boys.
I can tell you that my friend JRD became like an angel our senior year. He talked me through many a hard time. I was thankful for him. I can never explain just how much that meant to me!
So, years later, JRD and I are still friends. He just went for an interview recently for a really great job... Here are some things he should have put on his resume...or at least some reasons for you to want to get to know him!
1. He is the cleanest person I know. When he was little, he stood OUTSIDE the sand box so he wouldn't get dirty... I kid you not!
2. He has very fresh breath.... Ask his wife... he brushes his teeth like every 20 minutes!
3. He has a dry, witty sense of humor. More than once, I have snarffed a drink all over the place because he made me laugh, mid-drink.
4. He is well read and can have a conversation about just about anything!
(he really can talk about things besides the book of common prayer, I promise)
5. He is the most spiritual person I know.
6. He has a favorite font. How many other people can say that?
7. He has a very lovely wife whom I dearly love.
8. He had the coolest wedding on the planet... and I got to have a little part of it.
9. He is the one we all go to for deep talks. He is the one we lean on in times of trouble. We only hope we have done the same for him.
Happy birthday my dear friend. I wish you many many more!!!
what is the favourite font?
...just curious...
It's been a long time since I was qualified to answer questions about any of the boys (I grow both thoughtless AND forgetful in my later years), but I would like to guess Courier. Susie: Which is it?
Also: Awwwwww....... What a well-deserved little zoom. So nice! Loved it!
Haven't been by in a while, but will try to stop in more regular-like. It's friendly here.
It is indeed Courier. As much as I love computers, I still love a good old typewriter. My favorite variation of Courier is actually Courier BT. Yes, BT. I'm sure Susie sees that as a good sign. I noticed that the heading for this blog entry is in Courier, and I'm sure that is no accident.
I love my friends.
I agree JRD is a wonderful human being that I feel very lucky to call my friend. We don't always agree on politics but instead of being concerned about our differences we concentrate on what binds us together which is our faith and our love for our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Anonymous in Norman
I have a favorite font! It's Lucida Calligraphy. I use it whenever I do something special on the computer.
I like reading this affectionate post.
Good friends are nice things to have!!
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