Thursday, June 01, 2006

Things that made me smile today:

In no particular order:

*lots of new posts on SRO.
*my BT
*getting up at 8.
*becoming friends with an old white man, and a man with a gold tooth... at the same time.
*being a pirate again, even for a few minutes.
*watching people who are crazier than me
*sonic ice... an entire bag of it!
*Sports Night DVDs.
*learning a new way to knit
*corny men and cornier lines.
*goldfish crackers
*the thought of a new non-dead ipod
*sending letters with cool stamps on them
*listening to new fun music

What made you smile today?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think most of your list made me smile too. you gotta love that sonic ice!
