Friday, December 08, 2006


First Grade style...

Teacher: (to Julian) tell Mrs. Susiederk your prayer please...
Me: Whaaa? Is that allowed in a public school?
Teacher: Trust me on this one... it is worth it.
Julian: ok I will say my prayer.... Our farter, who art in heaven...
(Try to keep a straight face with that!)

Child overheard while working: Gangsters love God too.

During a writing lesson:
Me: Raymond, Do you have a Christmas tree up at your house?
Raymond: Yep. It is in the living room.
Me: Wow. Did you decorate it already?
Raymond: Yeah. We put lights on it and balls and silver stuff and candy canes and cheeses.
Me: Cheeses????
Raymond: Yeah, Cheeses!
Me: uh, what kind of cheeses?
Raymond: Baby Cheeses! The kind that was born on Christmas. (I could almost hear a "duh" in his tone of voice)

Of course! Baby Cheeses and Our Farter they love the gangsters too.

3 comments: said...

Too much cheese can do that.

Anonymous said...

I am dying here! Dying with the laughter.

Great to see new posts and some blog redecorating. I downloaded my NTC forms yesretday... assuming I needed the one that says "parent" since I'm over the other age limit?! :)

I can;t do the training on 12-16 but I would like in! Let's talk soon!


Ps: Sorry for the anon. post. Blogger has decided to reject me.

hughman said...

cheese and rice!!