My birthday isn't until Thursday, but Mom is going to be out of town on my birthday and I wanted her to see her blog entry before she left!
Thanks to my mom for this dedication. :) I love it!
I was invited by “Suz” to keep the birthday “ZOOMS” going.
She was almost born on Halloween but missed it a few days.
I should know, I was there. Recently someone (I didn’t
know at all) told me that because of something she saw me
do, I was her HERO. I’m afraid I told her she was hard up
for heroes.---Not a kind thing to say to someone.
I have a HERO. I’ve known her all her life.
A few of her HEROIC qualities I can take some slight credit
for but some are purely her own. She is her own person.
*She holds really strong beliefs. You can talk to her and
give her another side of an issue, but it is difficult to
shake the opinion that she has thought about and has made
her own.
*She is a gifted teacher. She has an innate ability to
know what to do for a student (child or adult) who needs
help. Her empathy draws children to her and she is
respected by students, parents and educators alike.
*She’s a computer geek. When her family has computer
trouble, she is the one we turn to. She didn’t read
manuals or take lessons she just “played” and learned on
her own. She even found her wonderful husband online. She
helps friends and co-workers when asked. She does
presentations to colleagues using the latest techniques.
But ............her most heroic quality is that
*She is a good friend. She knits scarves for friends
to take to Russia, she worries about her friends, she cries
with her friends, she helps, she encourages, she bullies,
she buys (or makes) them gifts. She wants her friends to
be as happy as she is. When her friends disappoint her,
she continues to wish them well.
Now by this time you might think I’m talking about a saint.
As with all heroes, she has her Achilles heels.
------She doesn’t suffer fools. Stupidity can really
irritate her and she has trouble dealing with stupid rules
or those who apply them.
------She is a name caller. Most of her name calling is in
fun. Some names she makes up, but she has had her name
calling moments that might not be in fun.
------She gets her feelings hurt. She expects
professionalism and coutesy from those with whom she works.
At times her expectations are too high and she gets hurt.
She gets over it, but slowly.
-------She likes to be in control.. She would like to be
in charge of organizing and arranging everything. Not that
she has the time or energy to do it, but she “knows how
things should be done” and thinks people should do things
the right (her) way. I think she is working on this one.
If I thought they would get into this blog, I’d put a
picture or two here of the girl I remember as a child, but
I’m sure they would be censored before you read it.
(Because I dressed her funny)
Needless to say I’m proud of this birhday girl and wish her
many, many more Happy Birthdays.
Captain Zoom says to you--- “ It’s your birthday --I’m in
charge of the stars and I’m here to say ,You’re the big
star --today.”
Love ya’ kid,
Jared and HH Dog say the second picture looks just like you!.
Your mom goes to Cursillo... I was there!
You forgot to mention the pony.
Happy Birtday FB, I love you!!!!!
HHAAPPPPYY Birthday from me too!! Are we doing a big party on Thursday night? You were mighty cute as a bunny and as a pink whatever-you-were!
Happy birthday, susied. Hope it is as terrific as you.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, my friend, my friend!
From a darling bunny to a graceful hare! (I sure hope "hares" are a good thing. I meant it as good.) Oh, the amazing ways in which some age. You're one of those rare, sparkly people who just shine brighter and brighter every birthday!
Miles is bummed that we're not coming over tonight. I told him last night that today is your birthday and he said, "Are we going? Let's go!" I told him probably not, and he promptly crossed his arms and said, "It's not fair!" Jer asked him your last name to disctract him, and he said "Billytom."
A care package is forthcoming, as soon as Amazon delivers some select goods to Sherry Lane. If I could, I would send a cheesecake that says "Happy Birthday, Mrs. Billytom!"
Happy birthday to Suze
Happy birthday to Suze
Happy BIRTHDAY dear Susiederk.
Happy birthday to you.
You all know the tune.
Sing along now.
Happy birthday to Suze
Happy birthday to Suze
Happy BIRTHDAY dear Susiederk.
Happy birthday to you.
Hugs to you, Suze.
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