My mom was a speech and drama teacher when I was growing up. I went to my share of play practices. I learned all the lines, even when the teenagers couldn't. And I was especially in love with musicals. Love isn't even the word for it.
I worshiped musicals. I can remember turning on the soundtrack of the day, putting on my sock feet, and sliding, dancing and singing all around the living room. I was every character in every show. I was the guy wanting to take the girl on the surrey with the fringe on the top. I was the girl who can't say no. I was the girl who's dad put a fence up between her and her boyfriend's house. I could sing and dance them all baby!
And it didn't end when I was 10. Oh no. When BT and I saw Chicago when we lived in Indiana, I thought I had died and gone to heaven. Cell Block Tango was MY song. He did have it coming...
And imagine my surprise to find out that BT HATED musicals. With every fiber of his being... HATED. Ugh.
Are you sure you are my soul mate?
So, I had to have Ginger drive 2 plus hours to go with me to see the movie Rent.
Poor Ging...
So now, I have listened to the soundtrack five hundred twenty five thousand, six hundred times. I can sing every note, every line. I could be Benny, or Joanne, or Mark. I love it all.
I love love it all.
So, if you are driving down the street and you see some crazy woman singing... maybe doing a few "jazz hands" moves, just keep driving... and enjoy the show!
My father is a huge fan of musicals and has amassed a collection of the original cast recordings of most of the Broadway shows done in the last 50+ years (when I say most I suspect he's missing less than 5%). My son is a huge fan of Rent. Has seen theatrical productions multiple times including road trips to see it in other towns. He loves the movie.
RENT rocks. It's amazing. And people are amazingly close minded. I heard just yesterday that someone refused to see it because it was about homosexuality. Argh. If only we could change the world I'd start with that. paulapalooza
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