Monday, January 09, 2006

Letter to God

Hey God.
Yeah it is me again. I've been talking to you a lot lately.
I just wanted to say thanks for some stuff if you don't mind.
Thanks first of all for my family. They so rock my world. I got my independence and my stubbornness from my parents. They can argue about which side of the family...
Thanks for BT and Annie.
I like that they are beside me every night in bed.
That makes me feel pretty warm and cozy and safe even if they are snoring like crazy.

Thanks for my friendship with that hughman. Between him and BT, I laugh like nobody's business these days.
Thanks for Polly... without her, that hugh would be a little lost in the world.
Thanks for my friends. I totally love that they are there and know little secrets about me. (even if they give me a hard time about having a pony)
Thanks for pirates. period.
Thanks for prayer and the way you give us a direct line to you. No long distance charges! No need for expensive internet! Wow. Totally cool.
You rock God.
Thanks for teenagers and the chance to show them Your Love and Grace this weekend and every weekend.
Thanks for life and love and passion.

Oh, and thanks for being you.
Yeah God.
Keep doing what you are doing.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Happy thoughts!

I am so glad to see a new post from you... I know you're crazy busy, but I also know you have these marvelous "thinks" inside your head, and it's nice for the rest of us when they get out! :)

Stop by and share an Oreo w/ me soon, OK? ;)