things that make me laugh/smile
*anything referencing pirates
*children's laughter
*my friend Saba
*good news
*peppermint ice cream
*my fat baby boots
*texts from George
*reading 4 books at the same time
*being married for 10 years.
*my cat who will sit on the computer desk just to hang out with me
*extra money in my paycheck (cause I am worth it!) hee hee.
*impressions of people
*tests that come back negative.
*have I ever mentioned sonic ice?
hope you find something to make you smile today.
1 comment:
I happened to check to see if you've started writing again. Great! Will actually put you on my watch page. You're terrific!
About things that make you happy: I had a great evening the other day, I had some chocolate, a cup of tea with bourban in it, a good book, a pillow, and cigarettes, all while swinging on my hammock! I thought, this is a slice of heaven! thanks for sharing some of your slices of heaven. chocolatea
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