I didn't make this but I wish I had. This just about sums it up! If one more person reaches out to touch my belly fat, I am going to hit them.
Baby is hiding deep inside there. Right now it is just fat.
And I don't want to hear about how painful other people's pregnancies are. NO THANKS. I am stressing enough. I would like to live blissfully stupid when it comes to pushing a human being out of me. Thankyouverymuch.
So.... How's your pregnancy? Of course I'm kidding! Love you!
There's no changing the people who have to touch and pat your belly making you feel like a "Lucky Budda". It's the ones that act like your belly is a crystal ball and will tell them the future that worry me. They are the same ones that risk being bitten by dogs being held by their owners, and touch the faces of small children. Their just touchy feely people. You could wear a DO NOT TOUCH sign across your belly when you know your going to be around them, or grab their hand and say NO NO. It's good practice to have as a parent.
Do no listen to pregnancy horror stories. C had an epidural when she went into labor. This is a person who can't tolerate pain at all. It was a fantastic way to have a baby. Talk to your doctor and make plans to included this. F, J, C and I laughed so much while waiting for the delivery of K, that the nurses kept coming in to see what was so funny. The only complaint from C was that she was so hungry and wanted a cheeseburger. The people who tell you that pain makes your closer to your baby and the same people who love their cars, but wouldn't dare have one that they had to push around the block every time they wanted to start it up. "Pushing a human out of me". So funny. Your not Sigourney Weaver and NO MORE Alien movies for you!! Your baby girl is so blessed to have a mommy who is so funny, so smart, so interesting, and has so much love to offer. We all love you ten fold!
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