Thursday, June 15, 2006

Google Rocks!

Someone today did a google search for "kissed my cat, fever blister" and they found my site.
If you are making out with your cat, you deserve to have a fever blister.
i am just saying...


GingerBarryBrandt said...

OK, so I'm in a blogging frame of mind. Here's tonight's/ tomorrow's challenge for you and me both. Blog about the rainstorm horribilus, and taint the tale to wring maximum feelings of guilt from our friends who let us go out in the rain. (We all know it's not their fault. But, still. Every good story has some conflict. Poetic license, baby!)

I will really try to write something... rushed, bad or indifferent, because I don't want to forget the experience.

nikki said...

ok. the challenge is on.
I just have to get all my thoughts together.
I have enjoyed your beginning...