Thursday, June 15, 2006

In the Closet

I was doing a little cleaning today... Just a little late spring cleaning.
Better late than never, they say.

Here is what I found:
*My driver's license from before I was married.
*My library card from the town I grew up in. Did I ever go there?
*Lots of change from 4 different wallets.
*old shoe strings... (why did I keep old shoe strings?)
*7 book bags.
*an envelope with a stiff new 20 dollar bill. (where did that come from? Was it intended for someone???)
*black socks I have been looking for...
*a recipe for Smores...
A great quote that I liked so much, I wrote down... and then lost.

"No man or woman of the humblest sort can really be strong, gentle, pure, and good without the world being better for it, without somebody being helped and comforted by the existence of that goodness."

Any clue where that quote came from? I guess I could google it.
I like it.

So, what is in your closet that surprises you?

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