In a session I was in recently, I was asked to introduce myself with my name, where I attend church, and what super power I would like to have if I were a superhero.
OY where is my mom when I need her?
My mom loves the superheros. She totally digs any sort of movie where someone has superpowers! X-men? yep... Superman/Spiderman... yep.
She loves them all. She even saw that crappy one with the kids in high school who's parents are super heroes. Yep. She loves her some Super Power stuff.
So maybe I should ask her that question. She might have already thought about it...
Six Flags of Texas is really in full swing and advertising is all over the place lately. I love how they are bringing back the Superhero into full focus. They have the Superman ride...The Batman... I have noticed though that in all their ads, they show Wonder Woman, but there is no NO ride for Wonder Woman! A disgrace!
There needs to be a Wonder Woman ride!!! For sure!
I can remember being 8 or so and walking around in my Wonder Woman Underoos. I WAS Wonder Woman. You can count on that.
I was fighting crimes, warding off bullets with my iron arm bands. I was a crime fighting machine!
So if I were given super powers, would they be the powers of Wonder Woman? uh, no. Would I like to have Jedi mind powers? hmm... maybe. Would I like to fly? Somehow flying seems a little overrated. How about shape shifting? hmmm... sounds like it could be fun. But then what if you shape shifted into like a bar of soap and then couldn't get back?!!! Yikes.
Actually, the real truth is, I would like to totally heal sick people... not in a "duh, doctors do that!" sort of way. Like in a, "let me touch you and make you instantly better" kind of way. I would be a superhero fighting the villain called AIDS and Cancer! Pow! WAM! I would get rid of those bad boys in one single swoop! No doubt! I would then move on to people who are sick or hurting emotionally. Feel like hurting yourself? Bam... you don't feel that way anymore. Is that a Super Power Really?
And what actually defines a super power?
I think God has given us a super power already. We don't need a cape or a corny costume. We live it every day... Our power is one to make people feel great, or really crappy. I have seen lately, some people use that power for extreme good, and I have seen people use that power for evil. I have to think... really reflect... how do I use MY super power?
How do you use yours???
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