Although I continually remain the President of the Standing Room Only Fan Club, Hugh and I actually became friends around December. We have continued this relationship ever since. In our emails, we talk about everything. We could talk about church and God and easily segue into bedazzling outfits or the latest LA gossip… without skipping a beat. I mentioned one day, that I wanted him to come visit us in Texas and he, in turn, invited me to LA. Little did he know how serious I would take that invitation (poor poor him). I bought the ticket in January and he and I waited with baited breath till July 10th.
We planned, we joked, we talked on the phone and dreamed of what it would be like.
We even began the countdown… 14 more days, 10 more days… 5 more days… (I was packed by this time) 3 more days… till it was down to hours… and then I was on the plane. Winging my way to a place I had never been, to see a person I had never met. How crazy am I?
All my friends thought I was crazy. Luckily, BT was on board and supportive.
The plane trip was interesting. It began with the drunken LA girls, buying too many mini Texas mugs at the airport gift shop. (Uh, DUH! Everyone knows you need to buy the BIG Texas mugs… Not the little ones.) They used words like “gnarly” and “for sure” and talked a little too loud for their own good. They were super tanned and super into themselves. “OH”, I thought, “am I ready to deal with the LA attitude???”
And then the plane was late and I finally got my luggage, and walked outside… and there they were! Live and in person! The famous Hugh and Polly! Right there in front of me!
All of a sudden, I knew… I was ready to deal with anything!
More to come…
waiting with BB.
It's a little late, but here I am to read the entire story! I"m so glad you went. I think, unknowingly, you represented all of us who would love to do the exact same thing.
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